Our Projects
The Messiah Crusade
We are committed to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, to go into all the world with the gospel. To this end, the Messiah Crusade, which is an evangelistic meeting and the bedrock of this ministry, shall be held throughout the states and cities across America and other parts of the world, to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah and the only Saviour of the world. The first Messiah Crusade held at the Covington Square, Georgia, was solely sponsored by Brother Tom Davis. Would you help to sponsor the Messiah crusades?
Teaching and Equipping
In furtherance of the Great Commission, we are involved with seeking, identifying, teaching, training and equipping those with divine calling to do the work of ministry, to be true servant-leaders who would also train others to do the same in accordance with 2 Timothy 2:2.

Our Book
This is our FREE book to you, but we need support to get it published and distributed. Please donate to support publication and distribution of the Doctrine of Christ.