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Brother Amartey's book, "Tithing – Refuting Error But Giving Cheerfully," is one of, if not the best, book I have ever read on tithing and why it is not a principle which should be taught in the Church today! It is a book about "the deceit, the sophistry, the manipulation and the harassment of the redeemed of the Lord by greedy dogs, and it must stop!" While it takes money to support and fund the actions of the church, as Brother Amartey agrees, this is no reason for "preachers" to be placing burdens, threats, intimidation, condemnation, guilt or pronouncing a curse upon God's ( YHVH's) people simply because a person does not tithe.
"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." Revelation 12:10. The Levitical Priesthood had become as corrupt and greedy as man could be and for this God (YHVH) spoke forth a curse upon them. Satan is the accuser of God's( YHVH's) children but today many "preachers" serve him as they bring forth accusations against Christians in respect to the tithe. As these "preachers" bring forth their accusations and curses they unknowingly bring God's ( YHVH's) curse to the Levitical priesthood upon themselves. The shaming, the cursing and the raping of God's ( YHVH's) children via the tithe has to stop and it has to stop today! Brother Amartey's book is a step in that direction. It behooves all of God's ( YHVH's) children to read this book and to present a copy to their pastor and all of the church board members as well.
Dr. Eric F. Aschendorf DD, DCS Rabbi
Pastor & Founder of: Tree of Life Ministries Association & Association of Completed Jews

Introducing “Tithing: Refuting Error but Giving Cheerfully” by Brother Amartey

The eBook Tithing: Refuting Error But Giving Cheerfully by Brother Amartey offers a fresh perspective on the practice of tithing in modern churches, describing it as a “religious scam.” Brother Amartey argues that mandatory tithing, often promoted by prosperity gospel preachers, lacks biblical support and can manipulate believers for financial gain. Through key tithe verses and scriptures about offerings, he dispels the myth that tithing is necessary for blessings, instead highlighting the beauty of cheerful, voluntary giving guided by the Holy Spirit. Brother Amartey shares Bible verses about tithes and offerings to show that true giving comes from a grateful heart, not obligation.

The author clarifies that tithing in the Bible relates more to agricultural produce than monetary donations, challenging the common use of Malachi 3 to enforce tithing today. He encourages Christians to rise above the manipulation of prosperity preachers and focus on supporting God’s work through genuine faith and obedience. This book serves as a valuable guide for understanding tithing in the New Testament, showing that it is an expression of generosity rather than a strict requirement. By clarifying offering verses  and tithe Bible verses, Brother Amartey aims to free readers from the misconceptions surrounding tithes and offerings.

This eBook is a vital resource for Christians seeking to clarify the often misunderstood practices. It dismantles harmful misconceptions while empowering readers with biblical truths, allowing them to approach giving with joy instead of pressure. If you’re ready to break free from the constraints of prosperity teachings and embrace authentic generosity rooted in scriptures about offerings and tithing this book is a must-read!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding of tithing and offerings! Subscribe to our newsletter today for more insights and updates. Plus, sign up to receive your free copy of this transformative eBook directly in your inbox. Empower yourself with knowledge and embrace a joyful approach to giving!

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