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Man Does Not Live On Bread Alone


Teaching Through God’s Word Chapter By Chapter, Verse By Verse


We are committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). To preach the gospel in the demonstration of the Spirit and of the power, and not with the enticing words of man’s wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:4; 4:20; Mark 16:20)

We are also committed to community development, to offer spiritual, physical, and financial assistance to the underprivileged in our communities and abroad, as the Lord blesses us to meet those needs.

Our Vision

To see a mighty move of God in our generation

To see a mighty move of God in our generation, to turn the hearts of people from lawlessness to righteousness, and to Jesus Christ, the only Mediator between God and mankind. 1 Timothy 2:5. To this end, we will continue to seek the Lord in prayer, in supplication, in fasting and in weeping, till He answers us in the demonstration of His power and glory.

Brother Amartey welcomes you

We’re glad you are here!
Perhaps you have come here out of mere curiosity.

Or perhaps, you are one of the few hopefuls, the few who believe that all is not lost, that God is able to turn a hopeless situation around for His own glory, that in spite of the many transgressions, apostasy, apathy, hypocrisy, worldliness and compromise, God will surely hear us when we cry out to Him in humility and repentance and will revive us and restore us, according to the precious promises we have in His word. Perhaps, like some believers, you have a burning desire to see the manifestation of God’s power and glory and the exaltation of the name of Jesus Christ throughout the world. That is what Revival Now America! is all about!

We desire to see revival in America and across the world, and are calling the church to prayer and repentance, stirring up the saints and encouraging them to seek the Lord for revival. We believe in the power of prayer and intercession and trust that the Lord will hear and answer us in His own time. Revival will come and is coming.

We concur with Brother Adrian Rogers, that God has always sent revival in the darkest days and will send revival to this generation.

We know that it is the Lord’s desire to send revival, as He has done many times past in church history. We remember the revivals in Wales and Scotland. We remember the Great Awakenings in America. We remember the great revival at Azusa Street 


Or perhaps, you are one of the few hopefuls, the few who believe that all is not lost, that God is able to turn a hopeless situation around for His own glory, that in spite of the many transgressions, apostasy, apathy, hypocrisy, worldliness and compromise, God will surely hear us when we cry out to Him in humility and repentance and will revive us and restore us, according to the precious promises we have in His word. Perhaps, like some believers, you have a burning desire to see the manifestation of God’s power and glory and the exaltation of the name of Jesus Christ throughout the world. That is what Revival Now America! is all about!

We desire to see revival in America and across the world, and are calling the church to prayer and repentance, stirring up the saints and encouraging them to seek the Lord for revival. We believe in the power of prayer and intercession and trust that the Lord will hear and answer us in His own time. Revival will come and is coming.

We concur with Brother Adrian Rogers, that God has always sent revival in the darkest days and will send revival to this generation.

We know that it is the Lord’s desire to send revival, as He has done many times past in church history. We remember the revivals in Wales and Scotland. We remember the Great Awakenings in America. We remember the great revival at Azusa Street

in California that impacted the whole world, and we are expecting an even greater outpouring than Azusa in our generation.

Lord Jesus, it is time You do it again, to glorify and exalt Your name in all the world, that You alone are the Redeemer and the only Mediator between God and mankind! Show us Your mercy and forgive our transgressions! We stand upon Your precious promises in Revelations 3:18, and have come to buy from You refined gold so that we may rich; and white garments to cover our nakedness; and eyesalve to anoint our eyes so that we may see. We confess our poverty, wretchedness, powerlessness, nakedness and blindness and pray: “Revive us, and we will call upon Your name; restore us, O Lord God of hosts, cause Your face to shine, and we shall be saved.”

in California that impacted the whole world, and we are expecting an even greater outpouring than
Azusa in our generation.

Lord Jesus, it is time You do it again, to glorify and exalt Your name in all the world, that You alone are the Redeemer and the only Mediator between God and mankind! Show us Your mercy and forgive our transgressions! We stand upon Your precious promises in Revelations 3:18, and have come to buy from You refined gold so that we may rich; and white garments to cover our nakedness; and eyesalve to anoint our eyes so that we may see. We confess our poverty, wretchedness, powerlessness, nakedness and blindness and pray: “Revive us, and we will call upon Your name; restore us, O Lord God of hosts, cause Your face to shine, and we shall be saved.”


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